We are coming up to 3 years, post pandemic. How are you?

self care unrecognized grief Mar 18, 2023
grief, mental health, illness, relationship problems

I am going to bet that your social media memories are popping up those early days of the pandemic for you too.  Those were days of rapid change, filled with fears, and novelties. Many of us experienced an absurd amount of life change within that first year alone.

The stress of life change can cause changes in our brain according to Bruce McEwen, in his 2017 article, "Neurobiological and Systemic Effects of Stress."  Our bodies respond to both physical and social environmental stress. Healthy brains can function under stress, while an unhealthy brain is more likely to get "stuck."  He also points out the significance of life's challenges in relation to our genetics and epigenetics-the expression of your individual genetic make up in relation to your social and physical environment (ie, chronic stress, exposure to toxins). 

When the brain gets "stuck" it might look like:

  • A problem with over or under eating, overspending, Netflix or Youtube binging, or substance abuse.
  • A person will often experience difficulty with relationships. The tendency to significantly withdraw from others or experience an increase in irritability, which often leads to an increase in conflict.
  • When major life events occur, it is not an effective coping mechanism to continue living as if everything is fine, to stay busy caring for everyone and everything.  It is important to acknowledge and address the challenge that is present, even if there is no resolution yet. 
  • Sleep issues that are persistent. It is normal in times of life's challenges to need more rest or to have sleepless nights.  It is the persistence of sleep issues that is symptomatic of the need to address the roots of the stressors. 
  • Worsening mental and/or physical health are clues that you need to address the challenges of life that are impacting your life and wellbeing.  Issues such as digestive problems, headaches, tension, high blood pressure, obesity, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts are common expressions to an abundance of life change that is overwhelming to your mind and body. 

I have a tool that can help you identify many of those life changes and stresses that you may need to begin addressing, especially since the pandemic era.  Unrecognized Grief Assessment tool might be able to help you see the incredible amount of life stress that you have faced in these recent years and help you gain words to explain what is happening if you might be one of those who has found your brain is "stuck."

The Self Care Essentials  is a great place to begin if you want to begin rewiring your brain.  McEwen reminds us that these events are not "reversible," but we can redirect the outcomes.  He suggests lifestyle modifications such as improved food choices, moderate exercise, and having positive social support.


McEwen, Bruce. “Neurobiological and Systemic Effects of Stress.” Chronic Stress (Thousand Oaks), vol. 1, 2017. National Library of Medicine, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5573220/#:~:text=Stress%20can%20cause%20an%20imbalance,autonomic%2C%20immune%20and%20metabolic%20mediators. Accessed 18 March 2023.