Breathing Prayer

breath prayer spiritual care Mar 07, 2023
hiking, desperate, rejected, need God
I was invited to write about my experience and use of breath prayers over the years. I offer a prayer and invitation to explore breathing prayer if this resonates with you.
I pray for these who find themselves in need of comfort, who may be feeling desperate, rejected, and downright weak. I ask that your presence be experienced as comfort and sustenance, full of mercy. Let your light shine here, bringing glory to your name, that you are a God who sees, who hears, who cares, and who longs to be with us.
I ask these things through the presence and power of your Spirit and in the name of your son, Yeshua. Amen.
My friend @Etta Dale is an amazing woman integrating science, lifestyle tools, and faith. You can read my partnered blog here: